• Nomadic Nest (Pulang) February 2016

    Nomadic Nest (Pulang) February 2016

    The Nomadic Nests ponder constructs and concepts of home, security, attachment, comfort, change, culture, migration and materialism. I invite all to rest and reflect on these notions by gently occupying the space. As my time in Bali dwindles down, the idea of home… warmth, security, friends, freedom and community drift through my excited and confused […]

  • Nomadic Nest, pulang, January 2016

    Nomadic Nest, pulang, January 2016

    The Nomadic Nests ponder constructs and concepts of home, security, attachment, comfort, change, culture, migration and materialism. I invite all to rest and reflect on these notions by gently occupying the space. Wayan Warji is one of most beautiful people you will ever meet. She was a big part of making Bali ‘home’. Peanut, the […]

  • Nomadic Nest, Pulang, november 2015

    Nomadic Nest, Pulang, november 2015

    The Nomadic Nests ponder constructs and concepts of home, security, attachment, comfort, change, culture, migration and materialism. I invite all to rest and reflect on these notions by gently occupying the space. This nest was made in my first few months in Bali, Indonesia. The people, the birds, inside are friends who experienced the magic […]

  • Nomadic Nest, (Transition), March 2015

    Nomadic Nest, (Transition), March 2015

    Lennoxville, Quebec is a transitory town. Its population fluctuates with the input/output of university students. In the early fall, hundreds migrate to this academic center and when spring graces us with its presence, hundreds more move on and away from the place they have come to know. For many, this town becomes a home away […]

  • Nomadic Nest, Tierra, 2014

    Nomadic Nest, Tierra, 2014

    Nomadic Nests is a body of work that ponders constructs and concepts of home, security, attachment, comfort, change, migration and materialism. As an artist, I am interested in what our environment, our stuff and our way of expressing our materialistic and subsequently psychological needs says about us, our personalities and our culture.